Slide 1

Latin American Revolutions

  • Start of The Haitian Revolution

    Start of The Haitian Revolution
    It started because the masters used brutal methods to terrorized them and keep them powerless.French led the revolution. The men that led the revolution were Toussaint L´Ouverture and Jean-Jacques.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    It was the first black coloring to free itself from European control
  • Start of the Mexican Revolution

    Start of the Mexican Revolution
    A priest took the first step towards independence .The spaniards led the revolution. The indivisual leader was Padre Miguel Hidalgo.
  • Start of the South American Revolution

    Start of the South American Revolution
    When venezuela declared independence. The spain Was the classes from the Encomienda system. The individual was Simion & Jose.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    Creoles were scared because they wanted to make another social organization
  • End of The South American Revolution

    End of The South American Revolution
    They fought against the spaniards. It was successful because they united Colombia , Ecuador , and Venezuela together.