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Latin American Revolutions

  • Start of the Haitian Revolution

    Start of the Haitian Revolution
    100,000 enslaved Africans rose in revolt-In August 1791. The social classes that revolted were the Creoles, Peninsulars, Mestizos, Mulattos, and Enslaved Africans and Indians. The leader of the Haitian Revolution was Toussaint L’Ouverture.
  • End of the Haitian revolution

    End of the Haitian revolution
    General Dessalines declared the colony an independent country-January 1,1804. This is the date that made all Enslaved Africans and Indians free. They declared Haiti the first black colony to free itself from European control.
  • The Start of the South American Revolution

    The Start of the South American Revolution
    The South American Revolution started in 1810. The social class that led the Revolution was The Creoles. The Leader of the Revolution was Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin.
  • The Start Of the Mexican Revolution

    The Start Of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution started with a cry for freedom from Miguel Hidalgo in September 16,1810. The Social class that led the Mexican Revolution were the Indians, Mestizos, and Creoles. The Leader of the Mexican Revolution was Miguel Hidalgo.
  • The End Of the Mexican Revolution

    The End Of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution ended in the year of 1821. It was a successful revolution because they were able to get their freedom from the spanish rule.
  • The Start Of the Brazilian Revolution

    The Start Of the Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution started because Napoleon's Armies invaded Spain and Portuguese in 1807. One of Napoleon's motives were to close the ports of these countries to British shipping. That's when the royal family of Portugal fled on boarded ships. The Social class that led the Revolution was the creoles. The leader of the Brazilian Revolution was Prince John later King John VI.
  • The Declaration of the Brazilian Revolution

    The Declaration of the Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution ended on September 7,1822. This was a bloodless revolution unlike the rest of latin america's revolution. This Revolution ended with a petition being signed for their independence.
  • The End Of the South American Revolution

    The End Of the South American Revolution
    The South American Revolution ended on August 9,1824. It was a successful Revolution was a successful revolution and they were able to take away the control of Government form Spain and were able to become an Independent country.