Latin American Revolutions

  • The start of the Haitian Revolution

    The start of the Haitian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was because the american inspired the Saint Dominique (Haiti) to revolt.They also revolted because the french musts treated them poorly.The Social classes that participated were the slaves.The leaders of the revolution were Tousant L'Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The end of the Haitian Revolution
    The Haitians fought against France.The revolution ended when the slaves gained there freedom.The revolution was successful because they got their own government and became independent.
  • The Start of the Mexican Revolution

    The Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The way the revolution started was Miguel Hidalgo issued a call for rebellion against the Spanish.The social classes that participated were the Indians and the Mestizos. the leaders of the revolution were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos.
  • The start of the South American Revolution

    The start of the South American Revolution
    The way the revolution started was because Bolivars Volunteer army of revolutionaries suffered numerous defeats,the struggle for independence had only begun.The social classes that participated were the Creoles.The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin.
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    The End of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexicans fought against Spain.The revolution ended when the revolution the Mexico's Creoles feared the loss of their privileges in the Spanish controlled the colony.the revolution was successful because they united support of the Mexicos independence from Spain.
  • The start of the Brazilian Revolution

    The start of the Brazilian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was because French troops approached Lisbon,The Portuguese capital, Prince John and the royal family boarded ships to escape, capture;the king John took their court and royal treasury to Portugal largest colony,Brazil;also Creoles demanded Brazils independence
  • The End of the Brazailian Revolution

    The End of the Brazailian Revolution
    The Brazilians fought against Portugal. The revolution ended when Brazil won the revolution. The revolution was a success because Brazil officially became independent.
  • The End of the South American Revolution

    The End of the South American Revolution
    The Americans fought against Spain. The revolution ended when the Latin Americas won.The revolution was a successful because the Spanish colonies in Latin america won their independence.