Latin american revolutions

  • Star of The haitian revolution

    The way the revolution started because they wanted to fight to gain more freedom from their european master. The classes that were participating were slaves and creoles.
  • End of haitian revolution

    The slaves fought against the french.
    The revolution ended when Toussaint made an aggrement to stop the revolution if they stoped slavery.
  • start of the mexican revolution

    This started when priest miguel hidalgo wanted his people have freedom
    The social classes that participated were creoles
    The leaders of the revolution were miguel hidalgo and jose maria morelos.
  • Start of the south american revolution

  • end of the mexican revolution

    This Mexicans fought Agustin de iturbide
    The revolution ended When mexico creoles loss their priveleges in the spanish controlled colony.
    The revolution was not successeful because they loss
  • End of south american revolution

    Simon bolivar defeated the spanish
    This revolution ended when simon bolivar won the battle of ayacucho
    This was successful because simon bolivar was able to free his people in south america