Latin American Revolutions

  • The Start of the Haitian Revolution

    The Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution began because the white masters tortured the African slaves and kept them powerless. The slaves had led the revolution. The leaders of the revolution were Tousaint Lo'vertur and Jean-Jaques Dessalines.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    They had fought against France. The revolution was a success because the Haitians freed themselves from the Europeans.
  • The Start of the Mexican Revolution

    The Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The revolution began because the Indians and the Mestizos feared they loss of their property, control of the land, and their lives. The Indians and the Mestizos led the revolution. Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos were the leaders of the revolution.
  • The Start of the South American Revolution

    The Start of the South American Revolution
    The South American revolution started in July 5th, 1811. The creoles were the ones who led the revolution. The leaders were Simon Bolivar and Jose de san Martin.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    They fought against Spain. The revolution was successful because Iturbide won and proclaimed independence in 1821.
  • End of the South American Revolution

    End of the South American Revolution
    They declared independence from Spain. The revolution was successful because when the Mexican declared for independence, they finally became independent.