Latin American revolutions

  • Start of Haitian revolution

    Start of Haitian revolution
    The revolution began by a slave up-rising. Slaves were tired of being poorly treated and they wanted freedom. This was a vicious and very blood shedding day for the people of Saint Domingue. It was lead by the creoles of Haiti. It was lead by Toussaint L’Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines .
  • End of Haitian revolution

    End of Haitian revolution
    They fought against France and they were very successful they were able to make the first African republic and make history. They were able to end slavery as well.
  • Start of Mexican revolution

    Start of Mexican revolution
    The revolution started by one of the leaders Padre Miguel Hidalgo rang the bells from his church and declared the next day a revolution against Spain. It was lead by a peasant class and by 2 priest and a Nobleman who killed one of the priest .
  • Start of South American revolution

    Start of South American revolution
    The revolution started when the creoles of South America wanted to govern the land they didn’t want to be ruled by another person not trusted and loved by the people. The main leaders in this battle were Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Martin they were both creole men who wanted change in their lands.
  • End of Mexican revolution

    End of Mexican revolution
    This revolution was fought against Spain this was a very successful revolution although many people died it wasn’t as much as the Haitian revolution and Mexico gained it’s independence after 11 years of fighting
  • Start of Brazilian revolution

    Start of Brazilian revolution
    The Brazilian revolution started by a bunch of creoles writing a petition to the king of Portugal to give them independence and they gained there independence.
  • End of Brazilian revolution

    End of Brazilian revolution
    They were then successful in this revolution in which I see was the most successful because there was no bloodshed involved. They fought against Portugal a place right next to Spain.
  • End of South American revolution

    End of South American revolution
    I think the South American revolution was one of the longest and most blood shedding revolutions out of all. Their opponent Spain was not ready to give up this land and it was a very successful win.