Latin American Revolutions

  • beginning Haitian revolution

    beginning Haitian revolution
    They occupied the western third of the island of Hispaniola, they were also once known as the french colony. In later 1791, slave rose in revolt, and then found a leader Toussiant L'Ouverture.
  • end of Haitian revolution

    end of Haitian revolution
    French troops came to remove toussaint from power, in the later may toussaint agreed to halt the revolution only if the french ended slavery.
  • Start of Brazils Independence

    Start of Brazils Independence
    Napoleons army invaded Spain and Portugal, for 14 years Portugal ran their empire from Brazil.
  • start of napoleons conquest

    start of napoleons conquest
    They had no power over government what so ever, and they wanted to fight for their rights.
  • end of Napoleons revolution

    end of Napoleons revolution
    Power started to shift to the people, this was the year a rebellion started. It lead them to their own independence
  • start of south american revolution

    start of south american revolution
    Bolivars volunteer army of revolutionaries suffered numerous defeats, as they fought for their independence.
  • Start of mexico revolution

    Start of mexico revolution
    Miguel Hidgaldo a priest, gathered people in his church to start a rebellion against the spanish for independence. they then marched toward Mexico city , with 80,000 men.
  • End of south american revolution

    End of south american revolution
    They finally won Venezuela independence, he then marched south into Ecuador where he met.
  • End of Mexico Revolution

    End of Mexico Revolution
    they united in support of mexico independence due to fear of losing all their privileges and got what they deserved.
  • End of Brazils revolution

    End of Brazils revolution
    Brazil won their independence in a bloodless revolution, Don Pedro ruled and agreed to independence