Latin american independence

Latin American Revolutions

By yomi715
  • Start of the Haitian Revolution

    Start of the Haitian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when the united state revolution encourage the haitian to fight for independence and slave revolted because they were treated as property. The social classes that participated were the slaves. The leader of the revolution were Toussaint L'ouverture.
  • End of the Haitian Revolution

    End of the Haitian Revolution
    The haitian fought against the france.The revolution ended when haiti gained independence and set up a new government. The revolution was successful because they got freedom.
  • Start of the South American Revolution

    Start of the South American Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when Simon Bolivar made an army and had led them with serious victories. He spent all of his money backing revolutions because he believed in freedom. The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar, Jose de san martin.
  • Start of the Mexican Revolution

    Start of the Mexican Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when Miguel Hidalgo showed the grito de Dolores or "cry of Dolores". The social classes that participated were the natives.The leaders of the revolution were MIguel Hidalgo and Jose Marelos lad Mexico's.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    End of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution fought against the spain. The revolution ended when they won their freedom. The revolution was successful because the town where the revolution started is now called Dolores Hidalgo.
  • Start of the Brazilian Revolution

    Start of the Brazilian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when Dom Pedro inherited the brazilian kingdom when it was still under portugal rule. The social classes that participated were creoles . The leader of revolution were Dom Pedro.
  • End of the Brazilian Revolution

    End of the Brazilian Revolution
    The Brazilian Revolution fought against the portugal. The revolution ended when they took the throme of the newler independent hation\pedro. The revolution was successful because brazil dom pedro on independent coutry.
  • End of the South American Revolution

    End of the South American Revolution
    The south american fought against spain. The revolution ended when san martin helped the south american to became free. The revolution was successful because the countries that became free are colombia,venezuela,ecuador and peru.