Latin American Revolutions

  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    The revolution started when the French started to oppress the enslaved haitians. The French men would use brutal methods against the slaves to terrorize them. This Revolution was also inspired because of the fact the the french were already in another war at the time. The man in charge was Toussaint L'Ouverture.
  • The End of Haitian Revolution

    The End of Haitian Revolution
    The Revolution was fought by the slaves in order to get freedom, they fought against the French. The Revolution ended when Toussaint L'Ouverture freed all the slaves. The revolution was successful because the slaves were freed and they were a free country.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution was fought by multiple people which were Miguel hidalgo, Jose Mana Morelos, and Agustin de Iturbide. This revolution started when Miguel Hidalgo issued a rebellion against the spanish to gain independence. The wasnt success at first as HIdalgo died, that's when Morelos started to led the rebellion, but that didn't last long as he was also was defeated. Later on Iturbide, the same man that killed Morelos fought for independence and won.
  • The South American Revolution

    The South American Revolution
    The South American revolution was fought by Simon Bolivar. This revolution started in the 1811 against the spanish. It all started when Simon Bolivar declared independence for south america but was then fought against. Bolivar fought twice to get independance then eventually did he later on died and was called the great liberator.
  • The End of The Mexican Revolution

    The End of The Mexican Revolution
    The Revolution was successful as the indians, mestizos, and creoles gained independence and gained more rights. The war may have lasted a long time and may have need many people to make it happen but in the end Mexico gain the independence.
  • The Brazilian Revolution

    The Brazilian Revolution
    This revolution staredted on September 7, 1822 and the people in volved were King John and his son Dom Pedro. The revolution became a thing when the king wanted to make brazil a colony again, many people did not want that so instead there was a vote held to find out what would happen.
  • The End of The Brazilian Revolution

    The End of The Brazilian Revolution
    The Creoles demand for independence. There was a vot held and ended the revolution making brazil
    independent. This Revolution was different as it only lasted one day and there was no need for violence.
  • The End of The South American Revolution

    The End of The South American Revolution
    The Revolution fought by the creoles was a success as they were liberated from the spaniards. Those countries that were liberated were called Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Originally Bolivar wanted to make those countries united and call it United Latin America, but realized that it wasn't possible.