Latin American Revolutions

  • Start Of Haitian Revolution

    The oppressed African slaves in Haiti, started to rise up in a revolt against their masters.They were led by Toussaint L´Ouverture, who rose up and became their general and diplomat. About 100,000 slaves got together to start the revolution.
  • End Of Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian revolution ended when lieutenant Jean Jacques Dessalines fought for his peoples freedom and declared Haiti a free and independent country.
  • Start Of Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican revolution started when Miguel Hidalgo rang the bells of his church, bringing his people together. They put together a call of rebellion against the Spanish.
  • Start Of the South American Revolution

    The revolution began when Simon Bolivar declared Venezuela's independence from Spain. The Creoles who lived in Venezuela realized that they were held at a lower status than the actual Spanish and wanted to overthrow and fight against them.
  • End of the Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican revolution ended when Augustine de Iturbide proclaimed their independence from Spain. This made Mexico a free and completely independent country.
  • Start Of Brazilian Revolution

    The Brazilian revolution started when the creoles demanded Brazil's independence from Portugal. To support this, about 8,000 Brazilians signed a petition that allowed Dom Pedro to be their leader.
  • End of Brazilian Revolution

    The Brazilian revolution ended when they successfully signed the petition for Dom Pedro to rule. He declared Brazil's independence from Portugal.
  • End of South American Revolution

    The South American revolution ended when Simon Bolivar and his forces defeated the Spanish in the battle of Ayacucho. Winning this major battle gave the South American countries this independence from Spain.