Enslaved Africans attack masters
On August 22nd 1791 1,000 enslaved Africans attck masters, the revolution starts. -
The Nation becomes Indpendent
Dessalines declare the nation independent and rename it Haiti -
Napoleon's army invaded Portugal and spain
In December 1st 1807 Napoleon's army invaded Spain and Portugal, to close the ports of these countries to British shipping -
Miguel Hidalgo issued the Grito de Dolores
Miguel Hildalgo rang the church bells on September 16 1810 for rebellion against the spanish. -
Hildalgo's indian and mestizo followers marched towards Mexico
Hildalgo's Indian and Mestizo followers marched towards Mexico City on 17th of September 1810 this army led up to 80,000 men. -
Venezuela Declared its Independence
Bolivar native Venezuela declared its independence from spain in 19th of April 1811 -
San Martin Argentina Declares Independence
San Martin Argentina Declared their independence on July 9th 1816 by congress of Tucuman. -
Bolivar wins Venezuelas independence
Bolivar won Venezuelas Independence on 24th of june 1821 -
Dom Pedro Oficially declares Brazil's independence
After agreeing to the petotion 8,000 Brazilians signed Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence. Brazil had won their independence in a bloodless revolution. -
Bolivar's army went to defeat the spanish at the of Ayacucho peru
Bolivars army went to defeat the spanish at the battle of Ayacucho Peru on December 9th 1824. in this last battle the spanish won their freedom.