latin american revolution

  • Start of the haitian Revolution

    The revolution started when slaves rose up against the french masters .
    The slaves lead the revolution
    The leaders were Toussaint L'ouverture and Jean -Jacques Dessalines.
  • The end haitian revolution

    The haitian fought against spanish . It was successful because haiti got there freedom
  • The start of Mexican revolution

    This revolution started when Miguel Hidalgo issued a call for rebellion against spanish. The social classes that participated were indians & mestizo . The leader were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos .
  • The start of the South revolution

    The way this revolution started was when they declared their independence from spain. The creoles were the the class that lead this revolution. Simon bolivar and Jose de san Martin were the leaders.
  • The end of the Mexican revolution

    The Indians and mestizo fought against spanish. It ended when Agustin proclaimed independence in 1821.It was successful.
  • The end of the south american revolution

    The Creoles fought against spain. It ended when San Martin planned to drive the remaining spanish forces to lima , peru. Yes ,it was successful.