Start of the Haitian Revolution
The slaves rose up and wanted their revenge. The slaves were tired of their masters treating them very poorly, and decided to revolt. They were inspired by the revolution of the United States and France gaining their freedom. Their leaders were Toussaint L'Ouverture, and Jean-Jacque Dessalines. -
End of the Haitian Revolution
The slaves fought against France. The revolution was successful; one of the leaders named Toussaint freed the slaves 1802. They also declared that they have independence, and started their own government. -
Start of the Mexican Revolution
The social class that participated were the Indians and Mestizos.The Revolution started because they did not like how they did not have their independence. They also did not like that the Creoles had the say in everything and was higher than them so they fought back and took in charge. The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos. -
Start of the South American Revolution
The revolution started because the Spanish did not treat the Creoles, which are the people who fought in it, equality and had no independence. They wanted to show them, they had power, and not them. The leaders who participated were Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Bernardo O'Higgins. -
End of Mexican Revolution
The Indians and Mestizo were fighting Spain. The revolution was a success. The Mexican Creoles fear that they would lose their privileges so they joined the Mexicans. A guy who wanted to end them actually then proclaimed their Independence. -
Start of Brazil Revolution
The revolution started when Brazil was tired of them not having their independence. The social class who fought were the Creoles. The leaders who were involved were the Portuguese royal family. -
End of the Brazil Revolution
Yes, the revolution was a very big success. The Creoles were going against Portugal, and it did not even have any violence. This became the best outcome of a Revolution so far. -
End of the South America Revolution
The creoles fought against Spain. The revolution was a success, because at the end of the war they showed the Spanish they have their independence. Many countries after that united to be the Gran Colombia. These countries are Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador.