The Start Of The Haitian Revolution
The revolution began because the american revolution encourage the revolt. The slaves were also being brutally treated. The social classes that led the revolution was the African slaves. The leaders were Toussaint Lóuverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines. -
The End Of The Haitian Revolution
The European country they fought against for there independence was France. The revolution ended as a success because they got their independence and slavery ended. -
The Start Of The Mexican Revolution
The Mexican revolution began when Miguel Hidalgo rang the bell of his church which meant war is started. The social classes that were involved were Indians and Mestizos. The leaders that were involved were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos. -
The Beginning Of The South American Revolution
The revolution began from only Bolivia's volunteer army of revolutionaries suffered numerous defeats. Twice Bolivar had to go into exile which led him to raise the army. The socioeconomic statuses that were involved was the creoles. The leaders were Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Martin. -
The End Of The Mexican Revolution
The end of the Mexican revolution was a success because Augustin De Iturbide had defeated the rebel Padre Morelos and he proclaimed independence. The European country they fought against was Spain. -
The Start Of The Brazilian Revolution
The revolution began because the brazilians wanted freedom from portugal. The socioeconomic statuses that were involved was the creoles. The leaders of this revolution were Dom Pedro and King John. -
The End Of The Brazilian Revolution
The end of the revolution was a success because eight thousand brazilians signed a petition asking Dom Pedro to rule and he agreed. Brazil had won the revolution for there independence in a bloodless revolution. The European country they fought against was Portugal. -
The End Of The South American Revolution
The country they fought against was Spain. The way the revolution ended is being a success because Bolivar took the spanish army in Bogota completely by surprise and won a decisive victory. In his last major battle of the war for independence. Therefore the gran colombia was liberated.