Latin American Revolution

  • The beginning the Haitian Revolution

    The beginning the Haitian Revolution
    The slaves lead Tounssain's Lietenant and Jean-Jaques Dessalines against the French for their independence. The reasons for this was because the white plantation owners used brutal methods against the slaves. Also They were inspired by the French and American revolution.
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The end of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution was successful because they gained their independence and ended slavery in Haiti.
  • The beginning of the Brazilian Revolution

    The beginning of the Brazilian Revolution
    The Creoles were led a member from Portuguese royal family against Portugal. The reason for this revolution was because Napoleons armies invaded Spain , Portugal. another reason is because the king of Portugal stayed behind to recolonize Brazil and lastly the Brazilians didn't accept a return to colonial status.
  • The beginning of the Mexican revolution

    The beginning of the Mexican revolution
    The creoles, Indians, Mestizos were lead by Jose Maria Morelas and Miguel Hidalgo against the Spanish for their independence. What started this Revolution was a priest in Mexico rang the bells of his village church and called for a rebellion against the Spanish.
  • The beginning of the South American Revolution

    The beginning of the South American Revolution
    The Creoles were lead by Simon Boliver and Jose San Martin to go against the Spanish for their Independence. The reason for this was because they wanted their independence and they also suffered various defeats by the Spanish which lead Bolivar to send his men on a march
  • The end of the Mexican revolution

    The end of the Mexican revolution
    The revolution was successful because they received the Independence in 1821.
  • The end of the Brazilian Revolution

    The revolution was a success because the Creoles won their independence from Portugal
  • The End of the South American Revoltution

    The End of the South American Revoltution
    The Revolution was successful because they won their freedom and opened a freedom a future for Venezuela , Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador to become one country