Latin american independence

Latin American Revolution

  • Start of the Haitian revolution

    Start of the Haitian revolution
    The Revolution Started because hey wanted to end Slavery because they were treated brutally. The Social class that participated was the slaves. The leader of the revolution was Tooosaint L' Ounvairture
  • End of Haitian revolution

    End of Haitian revolution
    During the revolution they fought against the french.The revolution ended when Toussaint's lieutenant. Jean-Jacques Dessalines Zhahnzhahkdaysahleen, took up the fight for freedom. The revolution was a success because they got there Independence.
  • Start of the Mexico revolution

    Start of the Mexico revolution
    The Revolution started with a cry for freedom. The social class that participated was the Indians and the Mestizos. The leaders were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose maria morelos.
  • Start of the South American Revolution

    Start of the South American Revolution
    The Revolution started when people started fighting for Independence. The social class that participate was Creoles. The leaders were Simon Bolivar and Jose de san Martin
  • End of Mexican Revolution

    End of Mexican Revolution
    The Mexicans fought against Spain.The revolution ended when Agustin de Iturbide the man who had defeated the rebel Padre Morelos Proclaimed independence in 1821.The revolution was not a success because they were defeated.
  • Start of the Brazilian revolution

    Start of the Brazilian revolution
    The revolution started when Napoleons armies started invading spin. The class that led the revolution was the Creoles. The leader's were King John son and Napoleon
  • End of Brazilian Revolutin

    End of Brazilian Revolutin
    The Brazilians fought against Portugal. The revolution ended Dom Pedro declared Brazil's independence. The revolution was a success because Brazil won its Independence.
  • End of South American revolution

    End of South American revolution
    The South American fought against Portugal. The revolution ended in the last major battle of the war for independence, the Spanish colonies in Latin American won their freedom. The revolution was a success because they won.