Latin American Revolution

  • Start Of Haitian Revolution

    Start Of Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian were enslaved and they wanted to rebel against the French. With Toussaint L as their leader and the slaves.
  • End Of Haitian Revolution.

    End Of Haitian Revolution.
    The Revolution was a success. The Haitian won against slavery with the French.
  • Start Of Mexico Revolution

    The Indiand and the Mestizos wanted more freedom. So they issues a big gathering and marched to mexico city with Miguel Hidalgo as their leader.
  • Start Of South American Revolution

    Start Of South American Revolution
    This revolution is about the Independence for the soldiers. Their leader was Simon Bolivar and Jose de san Martin.
  • End of Mexico Revolution

    Then the spanish was alrmaed becuse the felt as they were going to losse control,proprty and their lives. There for they defted the indiands and the Mestizos.
  • End Of South American Revolution

    This Revoution was asuccess because the soilders won their succes with many places.