Latin American Revolution

  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    It started by the 100,000 enslaved Africans rose in revolt.The leader was Toussaint L'ouverture.
  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian fought against France.The revolution was not successful because there were so many slaves.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The way the revolution started by the leader Miguel Hidalgo called the reballion on the spanish. The social class that participated was the Indian and Mastzos.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican fought against Spain. It was not successful because Hidalgo was defeated in 1811
  • The south American Revolution

    The south American Revolution
    The way the revolution started was that simon Bolivars native venezuela from spain in 1811. The social class that participated was the creole. The leader was Jose de san martin.
  • The south american revolution

    The south american revolution
    The south american fought against Spain. It was successful because they completely won by a decisive victory.