The Start Of The Haitian Revolution
Toussaint and General Dessalines leaded the revolution in August 1791 with french slaves -
The End Of The Haitian Revolution
On January 1 1804 General Dessalines declared the colony an independent country -
The Start Of Mexican Revolution
The way the revolution started was when people believed in enlightenment and people feared that their rights might be taken away.The social classes that participated were the indians, mestizos and later on the creoles,The leaders were Padre Miguel Hidalgo and Agustin de Iturbide -
The Start Of The South American Revolution
The way the revolution started was when Simon Bolivar's native to Venezuela declared independence from Spain in 1811.The social classes that participated were the creoles.The Leader of the revolution was Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martian -
The End Of The Mexican Revolution
The mexicans fought against the spanish army.The revolution ended when Agustin de Iturbide proclaimed independence in 1811 -
The Start Of The Brazilian Revolution
The way the revolution started when King John planned to make brazil a colony again.The social class that was participated were the creoles.The leader was Dom Pedro -
The End Of The Brazilian Revolution
The brazilian fought against the portuguese.The revolution ended when Dom Pedro officially declared Brazil's independence.The revolution was successful because they gain independence and got its own government. -
The End Of The South American Revolution
The South Americans fought against the Spanish.The revolution ended when Bolivar had won Venezuela's independence, San Martin's Argentina had declared its independence in 1816 and finally the spanish at the battle of Ayacucho (Peru) on December 9 1824 this was the last major battle of the war for independence, the Spanish colonies in Latin America won their freedom.