
Latin American Revolution

  • The start of the Haitian Revolution

    The start of the Haitian Revolution
    On August 1791, African Slaves worked on French Plantations. White masters treated them really wrong. Until one day they rose up against to their French masters. Their leader was Toussaint L'Ouverture.
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The end of the Haitian Revolution
    On January 1,1804, General Dessalines declared the colony an independent country. They were the first black colony to free itself from European control.
  • The start of the Brazilian Revolution

    The start of the Brazilian Revolution
    On 1807, Napoleon's army invaded Spain and Portugal. He was trying to close the ports of these countries to British shipping. Portugal ran their empire from Brazil for 14 years. Napoleon defeated them in 1815. They are from the creoles in the Encomienda system.
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution.

    The start of the Mexican Revolution.
    On September 16,1810, Miguel Hidalgo took the first step towards independence. He marched towards Mexico City. They were defeated by the Spanish army and the creoles. Than a leader named Jose Maria Morales led the revolution for four years and was defeated in 1815. They are in the Indians and Mestizos class on the Encomienda system.
  • The end of the Mexican Revolution

    On 1820, Mexico's creoles was scared that they would lose their privileges. So they untied to support Mexico's independence from Spain. Augustin De Iturbide who defeated Padre Morales proclaimed independence in 1821.
  • The start of the South American Revolution

    The start of the South American Revolution
    In 1821, the revolution has started. Simon Bolivar was one of the leaders who helped the South American revolution. He declared their independence 2 times. One from Spain and the other from the Spanish. It wasn't easy. They are from the Creoles class in the system of Encomienda system.
  • The end of Brazilian Revolution

    The end of Brazilian Revolution
    In 1822, Creoles demanded Brazil's independence from Portugal. lots of Brazilians signed petitions asking Dom Pedro to rule. On September 7,1822 Dom Pedro declared independence for Brazil.
  • The end of the South American Revolution

    The end of the South American Revolution
    San Martin the other leader declared its independence in 1816.
    Martin had problems with the Spanish, Chile and Peru. He joined forces with Simon Bolivar and together they defeated them on December 9, 1824.