Latin American Revolution

  • The start of the Haitian Revolution

    The start of the Haitian Revolution
    The revolution started from the succes of the american revolution
    The social class that revolted were the slaves
    The leader of the revolution was Tousaint L'oeverture
  • The end of the Haitian Revolution

    The end of the Haitian Revolution
    The slaves faught against france to gain there independence
    The revolution ended when Haiti gained independence
    The revolution was successful because they became an independent country
  • The start of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution
    On september 16 1810 Miguel Hidalgo rang the church bells
    The social classes that were involved were the indians and mestizos
    The leader of the revolution was Miguel Hidalgo
  • The start of the south American Revolution

    The start of the south American Revolution
    The got motivation from when venezuela claimed independence from spain
    The social class that participated was creoles
    The leaders of the revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose de san martin
  • The end of the Mexican Revolution

    The end of the Mexican Revolution
    Mexico fought against spain to gain independence
    The Revolution ended when they defeated the rebel Padre Morelos
    The revolution was a success because they proclaimed independence in 1821
  • The start of the South American Revolution

    The start of the South American Revolution
    South America fought against spain to gain independence
    The revolution ended when latin america(argentina,chile,peru,etc..) gained their freedom
    The revolution was succesful they latin america gained their freedom