The Start Of The Haitian Revolution
The revolution started when the white masters mis-treated the african slaves to keep them powerless. The classes that participated in the resolution were enslaved africans.The indivisual leaders of the revolution was Toussiant L'Ouverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. -
The End Of The Haitian Revolution
The haitians fought against france.The revolution was a success because haiti became an independent country.They were the first black colony to free themselves from the europeans. -
The Start Of The Mexican Revolution
The revolution started when the peasants gathered in church and issued a call for rebellion against the spanish.The social classes that participated in this revolution were Mestizos, Indians, And Creoles.The leaders that were in this revolution were Padre Miguel Hialgo and Jose Maria Morelos. -
The Start Of The South American Revolution
The revolution started when boliver declared independance from spain. The social classes that participated in this event were the creoles.The leaders how took place in this revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Martine. -
The End Of The South American Revolution
The South America Fought against spain. The revolution was a success because Venezuela became independent. The spanish colonies in Latin America also won their freedom. Lastly Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador were united into a country. -
The End Of The Mexican Revolution
They fought against spain.The revolution was not a success because the rebel was defeated.But for the mexicans it was a success because they proclaimed their freedom from the spanish.