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Latin American Revolutions

  • Start of The Haitian Revolution

    Start of The Haitian Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when the slaves revolted against their master.
    The social classes that participated were slaves.
    The leader of the revolution were Toussaint Louverture
  • End of The Haitian Revolution

    End of The Haitian Revolution
    The slaves fought against the French.
    The revolution ended when Toussaint made an agreement to stop the revolution if they ended slavery.
    The revolution was successful because they ended slavery and got independence.
  • Start of The Mexican Revolution

    Start of The Mexican Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when peasants gathered in a church and decided to rebel against spain.
    The social classes that participated were natives and mestizos.
    The leaders of the revolution were Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos.
  • Start of The South American Revolution

    Start of The South American Revolution
    The way the revolution started was when simon declared his independence and got an army.
    The social classes that participated were creoles.
    The leaders where Simon Boliver and Jose de Son Martin
  • End of The Mexican Revolution

    End of The Mexican Revolution
    The natives and mestizos fought against the Spanish.
    The revolution ended when the creoles gave them independence because they didn't want their land to be taken.
    The revolution was not successful because both of their leaders died and they didn't get independence from the revolution.
  • End of The South American Revolution

    End of The South American Revolution
    The creoles fought against the spanish.
    The revolution ended when they drove the spanish out of peru.
    The revolution was successful because the got their independence and got rid of the spanish.