Latin America Revolutions

  • The start of the Hatilian Revolution

    The start of the Hatilian Revolution
    Start of the revolution was august 21,1791 the revolution began because of the white masses to keep them poor less.the social class was enslaved africans. Toussaint louverture
  • The End of the Hatitain revolution

    The End of the Hatitain revolution
    the end of the hastian revolution,ended January 1,1804 they ended it because of peace and the impact they had was a independent country.
  • Period: to

    The Start of the South American Revolution

    The Start of the south america revolution,Leader was jose Morales started july 5,1810,It started he was a creleo in venezuela,his parents were wealthy spaniards to keep his wealth and his social class.
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    The Start Of the Mexican Revolution

    The start of the Mexican Revolution, September 16,1810 Leader was Miguel Hildago Declared war On Spain,The war started hildago rang the church Bells then he shouted the Grito De dolores or "Cry of the Dolores" long live Independence Down with Bad Government.
  • The End of the Mexican Revolution

    The End of the Mexican Revolution
    The end of the mexican Revolution, ended 1821,The Grito De los Dolores,They won and They fought,They got a Independent Government Further more down the Town of Dolores Is now Called Dolores Hildago.
  • The end of the south American Revoluton

    The south america Revolution Ended December 9th they ended because of simon bolivia and the people did not appreciate him and they fought against the spain or was independent from spain.