Latin America Revolutions

  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution Started because the french oppressed. haiti couldn't take no more so the decided to revolt with the enslaved African. The Man that lead this revolution was Toussaint L'Ouverture and their class was slaves on Encomienda System.
  • The Haitian Revolution End

    The Haitian Revolution End
    The Haitian Revolution Wasn't successful because In January 1802 The french came back with 30,000 french troops to remove Toussaint L'Ouverture from his power.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution Started because Mexicans Wanted to take a step forward for their independence.The Two men that to a step forward for leadership was Simon Bolivar's and Jose de san martin
  • The South America Revolution

    The South America Revolution
    The South America Revolution started because bolivar and jose martin decided they would both decide the future of the latin American Revolutionary movement.
  • The Mexican Revolution End

    The Mexican Revolution End
    Mexicans wins full independence from spain and set up a new government where creoles,native and mestizos have more rights.
  • The South America Revolution End

    The South America Revolution End
    Yes, the future countries of Venezuela,Columbia,Panama, and Ecuador were united into one country now called Gran Colombia.