Start of the Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution started when the African slaves decided to fight back against the French to be free. The African slaves outnumbered the French in all ways. The Haitian Revolution was led by Toussaint L'Overture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. -
End of the Haitian Revolution
The Haitians fought against the French. The Haitian Revolution was successful as it was the first colony to free itself from control of Europeans. -
Start of the Mexican Revolution
The Mexican revolution was planned inside of a church, the next day, there were 80,000 plus men uprising against the Spanish. The revolution was lead by Miguel Hidalgo and Jose Maria Morelos. -
Start of the South American Revolution
The South American revolution started when Venezuela declared its independence from Spain in 1811. The creoles of South America united to fight against the Spaniards. The leaders of this revolution were Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Martin. -
End of Mexican Revolution
The Mexicans fought against the Spain for their freedom. After Hidalgo died they brought in another strong creole to lead the revolution. Even after a Spaniard killed the second leader he himself proclaimed independence. -
Start of the Brazilian Revolution
The Brazilian revolution started Napoleon and his army invaded Portugal. The main group of people that led this revolution were the Creoles. This war was led by one leader and that was Dom Pedro. -
End of the Brazilian Revolution
Brazil fought off Portugal in this revolution. This battle ended so quickly because Portugal had no more bloodshed since they were fighting another battle. Portugal had no option but to give up. -
End of the South American Revolution
Bolivar and his army fought of the Spaniards. Bolivar went on to defeat the Spanish in the Battle of Ayacucho where he won Venezuela's independence.