Start Of Hatian Revolution
The revolution started because brutal slave masters treated Haitian slave poorly. The slave class participated in the war lead by Toussaint L'Ouverture who was a former slaves that rose to become a General Diplomat. Jean-Jacques Dessalines is a Haitian General as well. -
End Of Hatian Revolution
The Haitian colony fought against the French. On Jan. 1, 1804 the slave were freed and the Haitian Colony declared independence and government. -
Start of Mexican Revolution
Miquel Hidalgo, a mexican preist, gatherered his people to their declare their independence from Spain. Indian and Mestizos rose up to help with the war. -
Start South America Revolution
Simon Bolivar, a creole General, declared Venezuela's Independence from Spain. -
End Of Mexican Revolution
The Mexican's fought against Spain. The Indians and Mestizos defeated the Spaniards and and won their independence -
Start of Brazilian Revolution
France took over Portugal so the Portugal kingdom moved to Brazil. The social classes that participated are the Mestizos. Dom Pedro, a Creole general asked the King of Portugal for Brazil's Independence. -
End Of Brazilian Revolution
Brazil fought against Portugal. The Brazilians won their independence without bloodshed. -
End Of South American Revolution
Venezuela and Argentina fought against the Spaniards and declared their independence