Latin America Independence process timeline

  • Ecuador

    Manuela Cañizares, a lady from Quito committed to the independence cause. They decided to meet a group conformed by Creole nobles, doctors, marquises with the objective of organizing a supreme governing board.
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    The first Board of Buenos Aires (05-25-
    1810) organized three military campaigns to subdue the Spanish forces from the interior, but
    they were not successful.
  • Chile

    First Junta
    September 18th
    In this process, Chile was no exception, and on September 18, 1810, the Cabildo de Santiago summons the neighbors to the First Government Board of the Kingdom of Chile. Mateo de Toro Zambrano y Ureta, Count of the Conquest, is elected as the king's representative to the residents of Santiago.
  • Ecuador

    The heroes of the First Cry of Independence were assassinated.
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    Assumption The spontaneous revolution liberated Paraguay
    Jose Artigas
    Oriental Band
    Battle of Las Piedras Siege of Montevideo
  • Chile

    The Battle of Rancagua was a military confrontation that occurred on October 1 and 2, 1814 in the city of the same name in the context of the Chilean War of Independence.
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    A federalist initiative was led by the
    General José de San Martín, who promoted the
    Congress of Tucumán, which founded the Provinces
    Nations of South America (September 7, 1816).
  • Chile

    Finally, the Crossing of the Andes began (12-
    01-1817) by six different steps. Had
    4,000 soldiers and 1,200 militia relief troops. The crossover was epic, but, just as it was
    planned, the six columns met less
    a month later in the Aconcagua valley.
    The battle of Chacabuco was immediately fought
    against the royalists, with an overwhelming victory of the
    Army of the Andes (02/12/1817).
  • New Granada & Venezuela

    New Granada  & Venezuela
    In 1817, Bolívar, Piar,
    Páez and other Venezuelan chiefs reactivated the war.
  • Chile

    He suffered a serious defeat at Cancha Rayada (03-19-
    1818), triumphed in the decisive battle of Maipú (5-
    04-1818), ensuring the independence of Chile.
  • New Granada & Venezuela

    New Granada  & Venezuela
    Bolívar faced and defeated Morillo in Calabozo in 1818. Later, however, Morillo counterattacked and defeated Bolívar in the Aragua valley.
  • Chile

    Final victory
    April 5th, 1818
  • New Granada & Venezuela

    New Granada  & Venezuela
    Then Bolívar crossed the Andes and defeated
    to the royalists in the battle of Pantano de Vargas
    (July 25, 1819). After joining the patriotic troops of Cundinamarca, under the command of Francisco de Paula Santander, they triumphed in the battle
    de Boyacá (8-07-1819) that sealed the independence of New Granada.
  • Ecuador

    Guayaquil's independence was proclaimed (10-09-1820).
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    Final victory
    February 1st, 1820
    Battle of Cepeda
  • Peru

    San Martín sailed from Valparaíso (08-20-1820)
    with a fleet of eight warships and 16 of
    transport, and 4,500 men from the armies of
    the Andes and Chile. Landed in Pisco (8-09-
    1820), and forced the royalist army to retreat towards
    the range.
    20,000 soldiers made up the forces
    royalists in the viceroyalty of Peru. Most
    Lima defended them. San Martín advanced by
    sea, securing each port until it put
    I surround Lima.
  • New Granada & Venezuela

    New Granada  & Venezuela
    The royalist army is defeated in the battle of Carabobo, the final victory of the
    Independence of Venezuela (06-25-1821).
  • New Granada & Venezuela

    Final victory
    June 25th, 1821
  • Peru

    The uprising in favor of the independence of the royalist regiment Numancia - made up of Venezuelans and Quito residents - opened a San Martín doors
    of Lima (5-07-1821), and forced the viceroy La Serna
    to leave the city and go into the mountains,
    with an army still very large.
  • Peru

    San Martín declared independence (07-28-
    1821) and was appointed Protector of Peru with
    full civil and military authority.
  • Ecuador

    The arrival of
    patriot army commanded by Antonio José
    of Sucre, and his triumph in Pichincha (24-
    05-1822), with which
    the independence of the great colombia culminated.
  • Ecuador

    Final victory
    May 24th, 1822
  • Peru

    Final victory
    December 9th, 1824
  • Peru

    Battle of Junin
    Battle of Ayacucho
    The Battle of Ayacucho was one of the last major war conflicts between the pro-independence of the Upper Peru region and the Spanish. This was carried out in 1824, in Peru, and meant the end of Spanish domination over South America.
    The battle of Junín was a warlike conflict that took place on August 6, 1824, in the Junín area, Peru, and in the middle of the process of independence for the American territories colonized by Spain.
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    Uruguay entered in a war with Brazil.
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
    Final victory