
Latin America Independence process

  • Ecuador

  • Period: to

    1809 Ecuador

    First Call for Independence
  • Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
  • Chile

  • Period: to

    1810 Ecuador

  • Period: to

    1810 Argentina

    Buenos Aires 3 failed attempts
  • Period: to

    1810 Chile

    First Junta September 18th
  • Paraguay Independence

    Paraguay Independence
    Spontaneous Revolution set Paraguay free
  • Period: to

    1811 Uruguay

    José Artigas
    + Banda Oriental
    Las Piedras Battle
    Montevideo besiege
  • Period: to

    1814 Chile

    Royalist victory in Rancagua
    O' Higgins ran away to Mendoza Argentina
    O' Higgins &
    San Martín
    Army of the Andes
  • Period: to

    1816 Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay

    San Martín United Provinces of South America Federalists
  • New Granada and Venezuela

    New Granada and Venezuela
  • Period: to

    1817 Venezuela

    Bolívar, Piar, Páez and others reactivated the war.
  • Period: to

    1817 Chile

    O' Higgins &
    San Martín
    crossed the Andes mountains
    Battle of Chacabuco
  • Period: to

    1818 Venezuela

    Bolivar faced and defeated Morillo in Calabozo.
  • Period: to

    1818 Chile

    Royalist victory
    Cancha Rayada
    Battle of Maipú
  • Chile Independence

    Chile Independence
    Final Victory
    April 5th, 1818
  • New Granada Independence

    New Granada Independence
    Acrossed the Andes, in Pantano de Vargas battle, the independence of new Granada was sealed .
  • Perú

  • Period: to

    1820 Ecuador

    Independence of Guayaquil Oct 9th
  • Period: to

    1820 Perú

    San Martín
    leaves Chile
  • Argentina Independence

    Argentina Independence
    Final victory
    Febrary 1st, 1820
    Battle of Cepeda
  • Period: to

    1821 Venezuela

    A Venezuelan's victory in the battle of Carabobo gave Venezuela is independence
  • Venezuela Independence

    Venezuela Independence
    Venezuela achieved independence.
  • Period: to

    1821 Perú

    San Martín
    arrives to Lima
  • Period: to

    1821 Perú

    San Martín Declares the Independence
  • Period: to

    1822 Ecuador

    Patriot Army led by Antonio José de Sucre Pichincha's triumph
  • Ecuador Independence: Final Victory

    Ecuador Independence: Final Victory
    Final victory
    May 24th, 1822
  • Period: to

    1824 Perú

    Battle of Junin Battle of Ayacucho
  • Perú Independence

    Perú Independence
    Final victory
    December 9th, 1824
  • Period: to

    1825 Uruguay

    Uruguay entered in a war with Brazil
  • Uruguay Independence

    Uruguay Independence
    Final Victory