Latin America Independence

  • Process 1

    Process 1
    In Buenos Aires the first junta was held in May 1810, created by the Creole bourgeoisie and which tried to extend its power to the interior.
  • Process 1

    Between 1810 and 1825, the Spanish empire on the American continent became independent.
  • Process 19

    Process 19
    Between 1810 and 1825, the process of independence occurred in Latin America
  • Process 2

    Process 2
    In 1811, a Congress of Notables met in Caracas, which declared independence and promulgated a federal constitution, the figure of Simón Bolívar already standing out in this process.
  • Process 3

    Process 3
    Meanwhile, in Santa Fe de Bogotá, ties with Spain were cut and a National Congress of the New Granada territories was called.
  • Process 2

    In Buenos Aires the first junta was constituted in May 1810, formed by the Creole bourgeoisie and which tried to extend its influence to the interior. In 1811, Artigas seized power in Uruguay, and Rodríguez de Francia in Paraguay, declaring independence from Spain but also from the Junta de Buenos Aires.
  • Process 3

    Process 3
    In 1811 a Congress of Notables met in Caracas, proclaiming independence and promulgating a federal constitution.
  • Process 4

    Process 4
    In Mexico, the first actions taken had a strong peasant role, led by priests Miguel Hidalgo and José María Morelos, and independence was proclaimed in 1813.
  • Process 4

    In Mexico, the first actions taken were contrary to other areas, a strong peasant protagonism, led by priests Miguel Hidalgo and José María Morelos. Independence was proclaimed in 1813
  • Process 5

    Process 5
    Until 1814, Spain did not have the capacity to respond to these processes. But, once Ferdinand VII was restored to the throne, the independence revolutions were put down ... so much so that Simón Bolívar himself had to take refuge in Haiti.
  • Process 5

    Once Fernando VII was restored to the throne, the independence revolutions were put down. Simón Bolívar himself had to take refuge in Haiti.
  • Process 7

    Process 7
    The Argentine main point of the Río de la Plata had supposedly remained independent. From there a military expedition led by José de San Martín could leave in the direction of Chile, where he defeated the Spanish and took the capital, Santiago.
  • Process 7

    The main Argentine river of the Río de la Plata had remained practically independent. From there a military expedition led by José de San Martín left in the direction of Chile, where he defeated the Spanish and took the capital, Santiago.
  • Process 6

    Process 6
    The Spanish revolution that happened in 1820 stopped the sending of troops to America to stop the insurrections.
  • Process 6

    Process 6
    The Spanish revolution of 1820 caused the suspension of the sending of troops to America to quell the insurrections.
  • Process 8

    Process 8
    In 1821 it happened that the Spanish viceroy left Lima, even so until 1824 there was an area of ​​the viceroyalty that was in the power of the Spanish army.
  • Process 9

    Process 9
    In that, Simón Bolívar "El Libertador", enters with his troops in Santa Fe de Bogotá. And in 1821, after the Battle of Carabobo, it occupied Caracas, and Venezuela achieved independence.
  • Process 10

    Process 10
    Bolívar always had the dream of a Greater Colombia, which would bring together the current Venezuela, Colombia and Bolivia.
  • Process 11

    Process 11
    In Mexico a different process was followed towards independence. Agustín de Iturbide changed Mexico into an independent empire in 1821, of course with the support of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, the army and also the Creoles.
  • Process 10

    In Mexico, a different process was followed towards independence. Agustín de Iturbide transformed Mexico into an independent empire in 1821,
  • Process 12

    Process 12
    In 1823, the United Provinces of Central America proclaimed themselves independent from Spain and Mexico.
  • Process 11

    In 1823, the United Provinces of Central America declared themselves independent from Spain and Mexico.
  • Process 8

    In 1824 they defeated the Spanish army in Ayacucho. This battle marked the end of the Spanish presence in continental America.
  • Process 9

    Process 9
    Bolívar always dreamed of a Greater Colombia, which would bring together the current Venezuela, Colombia and Bolivia
  • Process 12

    Process 12
    Each country went its own way. Furthermore, no attempt was made to create freer societies with advanced liberal systems.
  • Process 13

    Once independence from Spain was achieved, the new Latin American states became republican systems,
  • Process 14

    The Creoles had all the sources of political and economic power, compared to the rest of the population, eminently peasant.
  • Process 15

    Process 15
    Meanwhile in the northern part of Latin America one of the most prominent events was the war between the United States and Mexico, which began in 1846.
  • Process 16

    New states were created that were united in the United States: Texas, California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado.
  • Process 17

    Even under the presidency of Benito Juárez, Mexico suffered the invasion of French, Spanish and also British troops to force the country to pay its debts.
  • Process 18

    Process 18
    Napoleon III imposes a new political system in the country more in line with certain economic interests related to the possibility of building a new interoceanic canal.
  • Process 20

    Process 20
    There were three centuries of Spanish rule and after the wars for independence there were still several unresolved issues. And in the same century, the War of the Pacific was fought in 1879-1883.