
Larry Laudan 1941- Present

  • Laudan- Born

    Laudan is presently 76 years old.
  • Progress and its Problems

    "Laudan wanted to develop a view in which paradigm-like entities could coexist and compete in a scientific field" In his essay Progress and Problems, he did just that. They coexisted by allowing the theories retreat if necessary Laudan believed, "nothing unusual or bad about a later theory covering less territory than an earlier one" Laudan wanted room fro improvement on a theory Instead of a concrete theory, they could break apart and be moved to other theories.
  • Video: Progress and its Problems

    This video helps to describe a synopses of his main idea in Progress and its Problems regarding falsifying a theory.
  • Laudan continues

    Laudan is still with us and continues to work in the field of Philosophy today. Here is some of his latest work: