Period: to
Grammar Translation
Translation was the main method. Latin and Greek were the classical languages. -
Direct method.
Grammar rules were avoided and replaced by phrases, vocabulary was learnt either incidentally, as part of the phrases being taught. -
Period: to
Audio-lingual method + Structuralist view of language.
It suggested that language was a set of structures. Vocabulary was seen as an adjunct to the structures. -
Communicative methodology - Communicative Language Teaching 2
The principle was the separation of classroom work into accuaracy work and fluency ork. -
Test - Teach - Test
It was an inventative variationof traditional PPP, adoptable to grammar point and lexis. -
Negotiated syllabus
Based on the principle that we first find out what and test them to find out what they need, and then negotiate the syllabus with them. -
Task - based approches
Students are not taught language points in advance, but rather are given communicative tasks. Teacher give them language bits in order to fulfil the task. -
Lexical views of language
Lexical chunks in place of grammar. -
Output - Feedback
The teacher listens to the students discussing sometimes, notes the problems down and guiding questions, so students come to a reformulated version of the selected language errors from their discussion. -
It has 2 main functions: to provide free-speaking scenarios and to show what language points need more focus and practice. -
It is important to keep it in perspective with the other approaches to teaching grammar. -
Uropean Centre for Modern Languages
The modern Integrated Language Teacher
We use translation, teaching grammar, drilling, practice exercises, funtional expressions, information gaps, personalisation all the time, task-based approach, output-feedback, test-teach-test, noticing activities, grammaticisation and others. -
Adoption of Action Plan
Plan to promote language learning and linguistic diversity.