Fetus are exposed to language through he womb. Hears mothers voice. -
Birth-2 years Old
After birth baby expresses language through kicking legs wailing arms, sucking, and crying. Cooing starts, about 6 months of age babbling will begin.(baba) (dada) 1st Birthday- (12 months) First words begin. 2nd Birthday- (24 months) New words will form at rapid pace, formed in 2 word sentence in telegraphic utterances. "mine,gimme" "go,get". -
Age 2- 5 (preschool)
Age 3- Usage of 3-4 expressive words. Use of pronouns and use and understand questions. Stage of "why".
Age 4- Able to construct 4 word sentences, understandable to listeners.
Age 5- Usage of 8 words sentences. Forming conjunctions "when" "so" "if" and understand range of concepts. -
Age 6-12 Years old
Sentences are longer and more complex. Understanding word usage has developed. Are able to have long standing conversations with adults and peers.