Three Months of Age
At three months babies already respond vocally to their parents by crying. -
At Eight Months
Begins gesturing -
One yer old
First words are spoken -
At Eighteen Months
Begins combining words on the basis of word-order rules. -
At Two Years Old
Begins adding bound morphemes. Average MLU is 1.6 - 2.2 morphemes. -
At Three Years Old
More adult like sentence structure. -
At Four Years Old.
Begins to change style of talking to fit conversational partner. MLU is 3.6 - 4.7 morphemes. -
At Five years Old.
Ninety percent of language form learned. -
At Six Years Old.
Begins to learn visual mode of communcation with writing and reading. -
Ability to participate competently in conversations and telling of narratives