Period: to
Prenatal development - 2 years of age
The baby can hear the mother's voice
Prenatal 5 months -
Baby is born!
Baby starts to coo & turns toward sound
2 Months old Cooing- making vowel-like noises -
Baby begins babbling
4 Months babbling- repeating consonant-vowel combinations in long strides "mamamama" or "babababababa" -
Begins to say consonents sounds
6 Months old -
Copies different sounds, understands 'no'
9 Months old -
Responds to simple requests, tries to imitate the words you say, can say mama and dada, shakes head, waves hello/goodbye
1 year old! -
Can speak several words, shakes heads and uses gestures to communicate
1 year and a half! -
Says sentences with 2-4 words, can understand simple directions
2 years old! -
Period: to
2 years old- 5 years old
Follows instructions in 2-3 steps, understands words like "in" "on", uses pronouns
3 years old! Follows instructions in 2-3 steps, understands words like "in" "on", uses pronouns -
Tells stories, can sing song/poem from memory
4 years old! -
Speaks clearly, Tells story using full sentences, uses future tense
5 years old! -
Period: to
6 years old- 12 years old
Speech is auidible
Can speak in complex sentences
Uses descriptive language
Can hold long conversations