Land Transportation

  • The 1st Navigable Submarine

    The 1st Navigable Submarine
    was invented by Dutchman Cornelis Drebbel
  • Watt steam engine

    Watt steam engine
    The Watt steam engine,invented by a Scottish inventor
  • Invention of the first automobile

    Invention of the first automobile
    Frenchman named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot attempted to adapt a steam engine technology to a road vehicle and the result was the invention of the first automobile
  • First Military Submarine

    First Military Submarine
    The hand-powered, egg-shaped Turtle in 1776, the first military submarine.
  • World’s First Steamship

    World’s First Steamship
    French inventor,Claude de Jouffroy build the “World’s First Steamship”
  • First road locomotive

    First road locomotive
    British inventor Richard Trevithick unveiled the world’s first road locomotive
  • Eight wagon locomotive

    Eight wagon locomotive
    In 1814, Stephenson designed the Blücher, an eight wagon locomotive
  • First gasoline-powered automobile

    First gasoline-powered automobile
    In 1858 Jean Joseph Étienne Lenoir of Belgium invented , “the first gasoline-powered automobile”
  • The worlds first motorcycle

    The worlds first motorcycle
    In 1867 the two-wheeled steam-powered bicycle considered by many historians to be “the world’s first motorcycle”
  • First electric battery powered submarine

    First electric battery powered submarine
    n 1888, the Spanish navy launched the Peral submarine, the first electric battery-powered submarine