"The Little Prince" was published in 1943 by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The ilustrations, were painted by him. -
It was translated into Spanish by Bonifacio del Carril, and it was published in Spanish by an Argentinian editorial in 1951. -
In 2012, "The Little Prince" was already translated into more than 250 languages. -
A theme park
In July 2014, a theme park about "The Little Prince" was opened in Alsace, France. Nowadays, it is visited by thousands of people each year. -
Adaptations into films
"The Little Prince" was adapted to a film in 2015.
The film was directed by the French Mark Osborne.
A lot of tickets were sold. -
It is considered one of the best books in the 20th century.
It is read by thousands of children and adults.