
Labor to Birth

  • Stage 1

    Stage 1
    Contractions come at regular intervals. They last for 30 seconds and are 20 minutes apart. Cervix wides. It also becomes thinner, as thin as a piece of paper. Cervix becomes fully dialted to size of 10 cm. Baby's head slips out of uterus into birth canal.
  • Period: to

    Stage 1

  • Coping with demands

    Coping with demands
    Use support of partner. Breathing exercises, walking can help. May recieve pain medication if needed.
  • Stage 2

    Stage 2
    This is stage where woman begins to push. She uses her muscles to get the baby out. First the top of head appears at opening of birth canal. Then the baby's head emerges, then the shoulders, and then the rest of th baby slips out easily.
  • Period: to

    Stage 2

  • Stage 3

    Stage 3
    Mother feels contractions and pushes to help the placenta come out. When placenta comes out, the birth process is complete.
  • Period: to

    Stage 3

  • Aftermath

    Mother can begin bonding with child.
  • Period: to

    After Birth