european history

  • 509 BCE

    The Roman Empire

    The Roman Empire
    While Greece ruled the eastern Mediterranean Rome became a dominant power in Italy. Rome began as a monarchy but changed to a republic in 509 BC in a republic people choose their leader. As th
  • 500 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    Physical geography naturally shaped the development o ancient Greece. The people felt deep ties to the land which is ruggedly beautiful. The earliest Greek civilizations began among farming and fishing peoples who lived near Aegean Sea.
  • 500 BCE

    Ancient Greece Part ll

    Ancient Greece Part ll
    These civilizations became wealthy through trade. After Warfare led to their decline Independent territories called city states developed throughout Greece. The people of Athens introduced the worlds first democracy a political system in which all citizens share in running the government. During the mid 300s BC Warfare weekend the Greek city states soon an invader from the north Philip ll of Macedonia
  • 509

    The Roman Empire Part ll

    The Roman Empire Part ll
  • 600

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    In the feudal times the Christian faith united the Europeans. The religon of Islam was founded in the 600s by an Arab named Muhammad. The followers of Islam are called Muslims were spreading throughout the Southwest of Asia to North Africa and parts of Europe. In the 1300s people across were battling a horrible disease called the Black Death that killed millions of people.
  • 600

    The Crusades Part II

    The Crusades Part II
    The religon of Islam was founded in the 600s by an Arab named Muhammad. Crusades are nobles from Western Europe gathered volunteers into large armies to win back the Holy Land. Muslim Christian conflict arose again in Spain in the late 1400s Muslim groups had controlled parts of Spain in what came to be known as the Reconquest. In the 1300s people across were battling a horrible disease called the Black Death that killed millions of people.
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    About 800 CE a Germanic king named Charlemagne united much of western Europe. After his death this empire broke up at that point no government excited to help western Europeans withstand invaders. To bring order a new political and social arose in 1000s called feudalism.
  • 800

    Middle Ages Parts II

    Middle Ages Parts II
    A Germanic king named Charlemagne died so his empire broke up. At this point their was no strong governments excited to help westerns Europeans withstand invaders. So to bring order a new political and social system arose by the 1000s this system is called feudalism. Feudalism where kings gave land to nobles, nobles provided military service they were knights or warriors for the king. Most western Europeans were poor peasants they farmed the land of kings, nobles, and church leaders.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Europe recorded from the Black Death interested in art learning revived. The ways of leaning change so much between 1350 and 1550. The Renaissance at this period is from a French word for rebirth.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance Part ll

    The Renaissance Part ll
    Europe recorded from the Black Death interested in art learning revived. The ways of leaning change so much between 1350 and 1550. The Renaissance at this period is from a French word for rebirth. The Renaissance thrived in Italian city states such as Florence Rome and Venice. Merchants in these city states had gained a lot of money through trade with Asia and the Mediterranean world.
  • 1500

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    The Renaissance had an idea of humanism led people to think about religion in a new way. In 1517 Martin Luther a German religious leader set out to reform or correct certain church practices. Wars between the Roman Catholics and Protestants soon swept through Europe the reformation shattered the religious unity of Europeans.
  • 1500

    The Reformation Part ll

    The Reformation Part ll
    The Renaissance had an idea of humanism led people to think about religion in a new way. Some people felt there were problems in the Roman Catholic Church. Martin Luther a german religious leader set out to reform certain church practices. The pope in Rome did not except Luther idea.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    After the Renaissance educated Europeans Nicolaus Copernicus a Polish Mathematician concluded that the sun is the center of the universe not the earth. Other ideas sparked a revolution or a sweeping change in the way people thought. A brilliant military leader named Napoleon Bonaparte gained power and made himself the emperor.
  • The Enlightenment Part ll

    The Enlightenment Part ll
    After the Renaissance educated Europeans turned to science as ways to explain the world. Other ideas sparked a revolution during the scientific revolution many Europeans relied on reason rather than faith or tradition to guide them. Englishman John Locke was an important Enlightenment thinker. Political revolutions continued to erupt in Europe in the 1800 by 1900 most countries had responded by limiting the power of rulers and guaranteeing at least some political rights to citizens.
  • Industry and Conflict

    Meanwhile there was an economic revolution transforming in Europe and the Industrial Revolution began in Britain. Instead of making goods by hand people began using machines and building factories.
  • Industry and Conflict Part ll

    Many people left their farms to find work in the cites. The cities became crowded industries spewed out pollution and diseases spread. A major horror of World War ll was the holocaust the mass killing 6 million European Jews. Most lands in the Eastern Europe allied with the communist Soviet Union.