
  • Start Kyshtym

    Start Kyshtym
    The nuclear reactors and plutonium-processing plant of the Kyshtym industrial complex were built in the Soviet program. This place is for develop nuclear weapons.
    The secret town that was built for the plant, called Ozersk.
  • First Soviet nuclear bomb

    First Soviet nuclear bomb
    Kyshtym produced the first Soviet nuclear bomb. The reactore produced weapons grade uranium and plutonium. High level radioactive waste was dumped into the Techa river and lake Karachay. But the Techa river was the main source of drinking water for more than 20 surrounding villages which caused the breakouts of radiation sickness in the city and village. Workers had been received radiation overdoses.
  • Heating up!

    Heating up!
    One of the containers started heating up. The maintenance infrastructure was weak. The measurement system was inadequate. Other containers started reaching critical levels. It had been ignored and left unrepaired.
  • Exploded

    The temperature inside the tank increased about 660 degrees Fahrenheit, caused the explosion. The lid of the tank,160 tons of concrete was blown free. 20 million curies of radiation into the air. Mainly are Cs-137 and Sr-90. 22 villages were exposed to radiation.Over 470,000 people were exposed to radiation.
    Over 200 people died of radiation sickness.The explosion is level 6 disaster on the INES which is serious accident.The grain was contaminated, caused cow's milk was contaminated.
  • After explosion

    After explosion
    During the first years after the accident, the percentage of death reached 52.9%-62.4%. The annual intake of 90Sr with food was 52 kBq per person.
    54% of agricultural land in the area was made unusuable.
  • Preventing radiation effect

    Preventing radiation effect
    The Techa river banks were fenced. People were warned to use the water from the river. Limited of using the natural forage lands. The production of vegetables and grain were banned.
  • Karachay lake

    Karachay lake
    Karachay lake is a lake with the highest level of radioactivity on earth. A strong wind caused the radioactive slit from the shallow banks of the Karachay lake. Almost 2,000 km2 of area was contaminated with radionuclides.
    People who lived around had cancer rates almost 5 times higher than an uncontaminated village.
  • Still radiate

    Still radiate
    Karachay lake, The waste discharge area still emitted 600 R/hour which means people would get a lethal dose if stay there for an hour. There are some fission products such as Strontium-90 (Sr-90) and Cesium-137 (Cs-137) each with a half-time of 30 years.
  • Radiation effect

    Radiation effect
    90% of the children who live in the village suffered from genetic abnormalities, only 7% were healthy. 8,015 people had died within 32 years after the accident. About 65% of locals were diseased with radiation sickness. 21% increase in cancer. 25% increase in birth defects. 41% increase in leukaemia.
  • Is it safe now?

    Is it safe now?
    The radiation levels in Ozyorsk currently is at and annual level of 0.1 mSv. The area still remains contaminated with radiation. Areas are still uninhabited due to the lethal condition.