Kublai Khan

  • Sep 23, 1216

    Kublai Khan is born

    Kublai Khan was born in 1216 in Mongolia to parents Tulë and Sorghaghtani Beki. His father was a mongol warrior and the fourth son of Ghengis Khan. Kublai became bacame a skilled horseman as he accompanied his father in battle when he was young.
    Source: (Encyclopedia of World Biography)
  • Jan 1, 1227

    Kublai accompanies his grandfather on his last campaign.

    Ghengis' last military campaign was against the Chinese Xi Xia. To get on the Mongol's bad side, the Xi Xia's leader had refused to supply troops for Ghengis' western campaign. While Ghengis was fighting, the Xi Xia tried to break free of Mongol control. Kublai learned a great deal about military combat.
    Source: (ngm.nationalgeographic.com)
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Gengis Khan dies, his third son Ogedei is his heir.

    As Ghengis Khan was about to die, members of his family feuded over who was to be his heir. Ghengis settled this dispute by choosing his third son, Ogedei. As Ogedei began his rule, he aimed to rule even more territory. To do this, he started a draft amopung the people of lands he conquered. He grew his army to be tactically adavamced.
    Source: (www.fsmitha.com)
  • Jan 1, 1231

    The Inquisition begins

    The Inquisition begins
    Pope Gregory IX established inquisitional courts anserable directly to the pope. It consisted of permanently appointed Catholic officials who carried the authority of the Catholic Church. The courts replaced the old courts created by the Bishops.
    Sopurce: (www.worldfuturefund.org)
  • Jan 1, 1232

    First known use of rockets.

    The Chinese used rockets in battle for the first time. From this moment, gunpowder spread quickly around the world. It led to the advancement of rockets to use in the military or for science. Today, rockets and missiles are a symbol of the power a country has.
    Source: (www.historycentral.com)
  • Jan 1, 1249

    Alexander III succeeds his father.

    Alexander III was the only son of Alexander II. After his father's death when he was 8, he was crowned King of Scotland. He was crowned at Scone Abbey.
    Source: (www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk)
  • Dec 13, 1250

    Frederick II dies.

    Frederick II was ill for a few months before his death. On December 13th, the most gifted, and extraordinary medeval Holy Roman Emerors died. He was buried in a sarcophagus of red porphyry mounted on four carved lions in Sicily.
    Source: (www.historytoday.com)
  • Jan 1, 1260

    Kublai assumes power.

    Kublai assumes power.
    Kublai's older brother and Emperor Möngke led an expedition into western China when he was killed by Chinese defense. The Mongol throne was up for grabs. His younger brother Arigböge had plans to pronounce himself Khan and take the throne. When Kublsi heard news of this, he pronounced himself Khan. Kublai officially became Khan, but fighting between the two lasted until 1264, when Kublai defeated Arigböge in battle.
  • Jan 1, 1267

    Kublai completes a new capital.

    Kublai completes a new capital.
    Created the city of Dadu in the mid-east of China by the east China sea. It was moved from Karakorum, which is now in present day Mongolia. Dadu is now located in present day Bejing.
    Source: (www.britannica.com)
  • Jan 1, 1271

    Started the Yuan Dynasty.

    The Yuan Dyansty was formed in 1271 by Kublai Khan, grandson of the Mongol warrior Ghengis Khan. The Yuan decended from the Mongolian Empire. Despite this, the two were different territorally seeing as three parts of the Mongol Empire broke away before the dynasty was established.The Yuan Dynasty lasted from (1271-1368).
  • Jan 1, 1275

    Recieves Marco Polo.

    Marco Polo's father and uncle met Kublai Khan in 1262. Their journey was impressive, so they brought Marco back with them on their second trip to China. Soon after they arrived, Marco was sent on a mission across China by Kublai. When this mission was sucessful, Marco became a fovorite of Kublai. Marco Polo documented important accomplishments of Kublai which later bacame a factor in influencing The Great Khan's legacy.
    Source: (www.softschools.com/timelines)
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Kublai becomes ruler of all of China.

    To rule all of China, Kublai first attacked Arik Boke's armies at Karakorum. After Boke's defeat, Kublai became the undisputed Khan. He also moved the capital from Karakorum to Dadu and converted to Buddhism, playing the hearts and minds campaign. By 1276, the Song family that headed China accepted defeat. Finally, the Chinese Emporer was killed at the Battle of Yamen. By adopting a Chinese dynastic name (Yuan), he sealed his sucess at become the Emperor of China.
    Source: (totallyhistory.com)
  • Jan 1, 1281

    Lost the campaign against Japan.

    In an attampt to invade Japan and defeat Java, Kublai met something new, military failure. His campaign was destroyed by the Japanese naval resistance and storms nicknamed "kamikaze" that nearly annihilated his forces. The Great Khan was never discouraged by these defeats because the Japanese campaigns were only ended by his successor ended them.
    Sources(www.biography.com) (www.totallyhistory.com)
  • Jan 1, 1286

    Alexander III Scotland dies.

    As Alexander III Scotland when to visit his second wife on a storymy night, he fell of of his horse. In doing so, he was found dead the next morning. This lead to his three-year-old daughter (Margaret, Maid of Norway) to be heir to the Scottish throne.
    Source: (www.educationscotland.gov.uk)
  • Jan 1, 1291

    Coal is mined in New Castle,England

    Coal is mined in New Castle,England
    80 quarters of coal were sent from New Castle to Corfe Castle. One of the first time coal was shipped to two different places. Coal burns at 29MJ/kg while wood burns at 18MJ/kg, meaning coal burns hotter and thus is more energy efficient. Coal helped fuel the industrial revolution and is an important resource, so the first mining of it is important as well.
    Sources: (www.englandsnortheast.co.uk) (wwwhisa.com)
  • Feb 18, 1294

    Kublai Khan dies.

    Kublai Khan dies.
    In a span of four years in the 1280s, Kublai's wife and eldest son died. Due to this, he indulged on food and alcohol, later suffering from gout. He was buried in an unknown location reserved for Mongol rulers.