Knowledge of Laws Timeline

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    Knowledge of Laws Timeline

    By: Liam O'Brien
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V Board of Education
    The Brown V Board of education was a court case that was decided by the Supreme Court. This law ultimately ended segregation in all public schools across the country. This was a big step in our society when this law was passed.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Section 504 deals with the Vocational Rehabilitation act. This law gave people with disabilities more rights and freedom. This was one of the first U.S. Federal civil rights laws to be passed. Judy Heuman played a big role in passing this law. She led protests to make sure it would get passed.
  • Mills V Board of Education

    Mills V Board of Education
    When the Mills V Board of education law was passed, this gave all students with disabilities the right to education, and education that cannot be denied based on the accommodations additional cost to the school. I include this law in my timeline because I believe it was a very big step in the process of passing section 504. I believe this court case was the most influential case that impacted people with disabilities.
  • IDEA Law

    IDEA Law
    The IDEA law stands for Individuals with disabilities education act. This law made sure that students with disabilities have rights to free education in all schools around the country. What makes this law significant, is that this law requires schools to give students with disabilities extra support if needed.
  • ADA law

    ADA law
    The ADA law stands for Americans with disabilities act. This was a civil rights law that granted all individuals with disabilities protection from discrimination in all aspects of public life. This law was very significant to our society because this went beyond education, this gave people with disabilities equal rights everywhere.