Jun 19, 1566
Birth of the Future King
Apr 16, 1580
I used the same one the whole time. -
Apr 16, 1580
Hisorty on the time period
His life was during the renacance, he lived in a time of light and happiness. Controdicting the time before which was the medievil time of fear and darkness. -
Anne, Daughter of Frederick II of Denmark and Norway, on November 23, 1589 -
Ascended to throne
James was Thirty six years old and this is the day his mother, Marry Queen of Scot died and annoced he would become king. -
Royal cerimony of officially becoming a king. -
Family problems
James finds out his cousin Arabella Stuart is ploting to take his throne. -
The Gun Plot
Guy Fawkes and other Catholic extremists attempt to blow up King James when he went to Parliament. King james got a tip he cought Guy and hung, drawn, and quartered his group. -
No union
The English Parliament rejects Union with Scotland -
American settlers names james town after him. -
The King James Authorized Version of the Bible is published that is easier to understand. -
extra crispy
Heretics are burned at the stake for the last time in England -
Globe Theater
The Globe Theatre in London burns during a performance -
The Masters died
William Shakespeare dies -
Death of King James 1
Fifty Eight years old Nine mouth and Seven Days -
Westminister Abbey