
King James / Kelseyk3

  • Jun 19, 1566

    Birth of King James I

    Birth of King James I
    King James I was born on June 19th 1566 in the Edinburgh Castle, to his parents Lord Darnley Henry Stuart and Mary Queen of Scots. Birth
  • Jul 29, 1567

    Crowned as King

    Crowned as King
    At 13 months old James was crowned King Jame VI of Scotland.
  • Maried

    On November 23rd 1589 King James I married Anne of Denmark who is the Daughter of Frederick II of Denmark and Norway. married
  • Becoming King

    Becoming King
    James moved to London after the death of Elizabeth I of England in 1603, he was then crowned King James I of England. James was the first king to have both the English and Scotland crowns.
  • Making the plan

    Making the plan
    Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter, Jack Wright, Thomas Percy & Guy Fawks meet in a pup to plan the Gunpowder Plot to blow up parliment in plans to kill King James.
  • Barrels of gunpowder

    Barrels of gunpowder
    In march 1605 the plotters rented a store room under the House of Lords and began to bring barrels of gunpowder into the room.
  • Warning letter

    Warning letter
    Lord Montegel recieves a warning letter about the plot to kill KIng James.
  • Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
    King James sent others to serch the room with the gun powder where they found Guy Fawkes in the act and arrested him on the spot.
  • Death

    At age 58, King James died on March 27th 1625 at Theobalds Park, Hertfordshier.