King james

King James / JaloniM3

  • Jun 19, 1566


    King James I was born to Lord Darnley Henry Stuart and Mary Queen of Scots on June 19, 1566.
  • Sep 20, 1566

    Mother's remarriage.

    Mother's remarriage.
    His mother, Mary, remarried.
  • Feb 19, 1567

    The Death of His Father

    The Death of His Father
    Lord Darnley Henry Stuart, James' father was murdered eight months after his son's birth, shortly after the divorce of his parents.
  • Jul 29, 1567

    His First Time as KIng

    His First Time as KIng
    His mother Mary, married once again after, but was forced to renounce the throne1567, in the favor of her song, James. In July of 1567, James was crowned King of Scotland at Stirling at the age of 13 months.
  • Mother's Death

    Mother's Death
    In 1587, his mother, Mary feld to England after being renounced from the throne, and was executed for her Catholic plots against Elizabeth I.
  • King James' Marriage

    King James' Marriage
    A marriage was planned for King James with Anne of Denmark in 1589.
  • Birth of Henry

    Birth of Henry
    King James' oldest son (of those who lived past infantry) is born.
  • Birth of Elizabeth

    Birth of Elizabeth
    Elizabeth, only daughter of King James I to live past infantry is born.
  • Birth of Charles I

    Birth of Charles I
    James' youngest son (of those who lived past infantry) Charles is born.
  • Taking the Throne

    Taking the Throne
    James is ascended to the throne of England.
  • The Millenary Petition

    The Millenary Petition
    King James is presented with the Millenary Petition, a document of Puritan requests for reform against the Church of England.
  • James as King of Engand

    James as King of Engand
    Due to the death of Elizabeth I, King James moved to London and was crowned their king. This was the first time the crowns of Enlgand and Scoland were combined.
  • Somerset House Peace Conference

    Somerset House Peace Conference
    England and Spain are settled in peace due to the Somerset House Peace Conference.
  • Gun Powder Plot

    Gun Powder Plot
    Guy Fawkes attempts to blow up the Parliament using gun powder.
  • The Arrest of Guy Fawkes

    The Arrest of Guy Fawkes
    Guy Fawkes arrested and imprisoned for the attempt of blowing up the King and Parliament in the Gun Powder Plot.
  • Execution of the Gun Powder Plot

    Execution of the Gun Powder Plot
    The plotters that were involved in the attempted bombing of the Parliament are finally executed.
  • Settlement

    The English and Scottish protestants settle in Ulster.
  • King James Authorized Version of the Bible

    King James Authorized Version of the Bible
    William Shakespeare commisioned King James' authorized version of the Bible.
  • Arabella's marriage to William Seymour

    Arabella's marriage to William Seymour
    In 1611, James cousin Arabella secretly marries Wiliam Seymour. When the King discovers their marriage, he imprisons William. Though he escapes with his bride, Arabella.
  • Arabella and William Captured

    Arabella and William Captured
    After escaping imprisonment, William Seymour, along with his wife Arabella are captured once again on their way to France, and taken to the Tower of London.
  • Death of Henry Frederick

    Death of Henry Frederick
    1612, King James' first song Henry dies of typhoid at age 18, leaving Charles, James' youngest son as heir to the throne.
  • Elizabeth's Marriage

    Elizabeth's Marriage
    King James' daughter Elizabeth marrie Frederick V.
  • Arabella's Death

    Arabella's Death
    Arabella starves herself while imprisoned in the Tower of London.
  • Death

    King James I died on March 27, 1625 at Theobalds Park, Hertfordshire at the age of 58.
  • Charles Taking the Throne

    Charles Taking the Throne
    Charles, youngest son of King James I, is ascended to the throne.
  • Charles I Crowned King

    Charles I Crowned King
    After the death of his father, King James I, Charles as heir to the thorne is crowned King Charles I.