Apr 11, 1566
King James I
King James James Charles Stuart was born on June 19, 1566 at Edinburg Castle in Scotland. -
Apr 11, 1567
Baby takes thrown
King james Mary Queen of Scots, was forced to give up the Scottish throne because of her suspscion in the murder of her husband, Lord Darnley. Little James was crowned King James VI at only 13 months old. -
Apr 11, 1578
Began to rule
King James King James began to rule his native Scotland when he was only 12 years old. In 1589 Anne of Denmark became his queen. The king was madly inlove with her and wrote beautiful poetry for her.They had 9 children together. -
Aug 1, 1582
James imprisoned!
King James In August 1582, James was in prison at Ruthven Castle and forced Lennox to Scotland.Lenox was James father's first cousin who was a big influence on him. -
Signed and Declared
<ahref='http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/gunpowder_plot_of_1605.htm' >Gunpowder Plot</a>
James signed the Treaty of Berwick which was, "league of amity' or peace agreement between Queen Elizabeth I of England and King James VI of Scotland. James' motivation was the chance of succeeding to the English throne upon Elizabeth's death. A part of the agreement was James would receive an annual pension of £4,000 from the English state, which led many to assume Elizabeth already considered James as an heir to her throne. -
King James James VI. After an unsuccessful attempt to regain the throne, Mary went to England looking for the protection of her first cousin Queen Elizabeth I of England, whose kingdom she hoped to inherit. Thought to her as a threat, Elizabeth had her arrested. After 19 years in custody in a number of castles and manor houses in England, she was tried and executed for treason for her involvement in three plots to assassinate Elizabeth. In the end Mary was beheaded. -
Pronouced Husband and Wife
King JamesWhen he was younger he was known for his chasity and prefered male company. A marriage was necessary for his monarchy, and it was up to fourteen year-old Anne of Denmark, . They got married in Oslo. The couple had 3 kids; Henry, Elizabeth and Charles (the future king of England). -
Hunting for Witches
Biography Visit to Denmark, which had encouraged an interest in the study of witchcraft (James thought of theology.) He tookwitches under Witchcraft act 1563. James became obsessed with the threat posed by witches and, inspired by his personal involvement, in 1597 wrote the Daemonologie. -
King James I of England
King James Elizabeth died in the morning, and James was proclaimed king in London later the same day. The true bloodline ended with Elizabeth I and James was crowned King James I of England, the first of the Stuart Kings of the combined crowns of England and Scotland. -
Lost the love of his life
King James King James was the first King of both Scotland and England, when Queen Elizabeth died. He became King James VI. He already ruled for 36 years. -
The Gunpowder Plot
BiographyOn the night of the opening of the second session of James's first English Parliament, a soldier named Guy Fawkes was discovered in the cellars of the parliament buildings. He was guarding a pile of wood not far from 36 barrels of gunpowder with which Fawkes planned to blow up, Long story short the plot failed. -
Had Enough!
After the gunpowder plot, Parliament passed the Popish Recusants Act which could require any citizen to take an Oath of Allegiance denying the Pope's authority over the king. -
Mourning Time
Shakespeare William Shakespeare dies (on his birthday) and the people of England and James I were very sad and mourn his death. James was very interested in his work. -
End of Ruling
King James James I dies, makes Charles king
27 Mar 1625 James was plagued by severe attacks of arthritis, gout and fainting fits, and in March fell seriously ill with tertian ague and then suffered a stroke. James finally died at Theobalds House on 27 March during a violent attack of dysentery.