Enrico viii

King Henry VIII

  • Oct 10, 1526

    Henry met a English lady Anna Boleya

    Henry met a English lady Anna Boleya
  • Sep 7, 1529

    Henry chose Sir Thomas as Lord Chancellor of England

  • Oct 10, 1532

    Sir Thomas opposed Henry's break with Rome

  • Jan 7, 1533

    Henry and Anne Boleyn were secretely married

    Henry and Anne Boleyn were secretely married
  • May 7, 1533

    Anne Boley became Queen

    Anne Boley became Queen
  • Dec 2, 1533

    Henry chose a new Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer

  • Jul 9, 1534

    Thomas Cromwell, Henry's new lord helped put into effect the act of

    Thomas Cromwell, Henry's new lord helped put into effect the act of
  • Jul 6, 1536

    Anne, second wife of Henry, was imprisoned in the tower of London. And was beheaded

    Anne, second wife of Henry, was imprisoned in the tower of London. And was beheaded
  • Oct 8, 1537

    Jane gave birth to Hanry's son

    Jane gave birth to Hanry's son