Period: to
Declaration of Independence
In 1776, The Continental Congress decided to get together to write a letter to the king of England explaining why they were fighting to be their own country. -
John Trumbull Sr.
He served as the governer in both english colony and an American State -
U.S. Constitution
The Document For Freedom -
Bill Of Rights
This is the First ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution that gives us our rights. -
Fifth Amendment
No one should be compelled to serve as a witness against himself, or to be subject to trail for the same offense twice, or to be deprived, liberty. -
John Hancock
former President of the Continental Congress -
John Witherspoon
He was the Founder of the United States of America -
Alex de Tocqueville and his five principles liberty, egalitarianism, Individualism,, populism, and laissex-faire
Five principles -
John Peter Muhlenberg
He Was a American Clergyman, Continental army solider during the American revolutionary war -
Benjamin Rush
He was Physician -
John Jay
former governer of New York -
Charles Carroll
Former United States Senator -
Eminent Domain
to right to have private property -
"In God We Trust"
Is the Offical motto of the United states of America and of the U.S. state of florida. -
"E Pluribus Unum"
Out of many One(The Motto of the US)