Industrial revolution

Key events from the Industrial Revolution

  • Period: to


  • Steam engine

    Steam engine
  • First cotton factory opened

  • First steam powered mill began operation

    First steam powered mill began operation
  • Matthew Boulton and James Watt patented the first rotary steam engine

  • demonstration of first steam locomotive

    demonstration of first steam locomotive
  • Britains first passenger steam railway was opened

  • Slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire

  • Henry Fox Talbot produced the first photograph

  • First telephone

    First telephone
  • Lightbulb was invented

    Lightbulb was invented
  • Compulsory education for all children is introduced

    Compulsory education for all children is introduced
  • first skyscraper built

    first skyscraper built
  • First automobile invented

    First automobile invented
  • wireless radio was invented

    wireless radio was invented
  • World War 1 began

    World War 1 began