Common Core Look 4s App Training for Administrators
Train administrators on Common Core Look4s app. Provide follow-up coaching sessions to ensure use of reports, video documentation, and merged records options. -
Period: to
Andrew's COE in 2020
Train administrators on Common Core Look4s app. Provide follow-up coaching sessions to ensure use of reports, video documentation, and merged records options. -
Adopt an App Administrator Workgroup
Begin quarterly "Adopt and App" Administrator workgroup in collaboration with Instructional Technology Coordinator. Host at SCCOE from 4-6pm.. Apps will be grouped by productivity, presentation, and supervision. -
Flipped Learning
Create at least one flipped learning PD to use with administrators during the 2013-2014 school year. -
New Tech site vistis for for STEAM districts
Support Campbell and Cupertino is their STEAM efforts by coordinatoing a trip to the San Diego New Tech sites. Encourage districts to bring their corporate partners. -
STEAM District Network
Develop a STEAM network that meetings every other month via video conference. Develop a webpage that particpatns can post resources and have discussions. -
Assessments/CCSS Report Card
Create assessment links to the CCSS Report Card descriptors -
Adopt an App Network
Begin a monthly Adopt an App Network Group for administrators to share the most recent productivity, supervision, and presentation apps. I -
Fully On-line Assessment Systems
Support Cupertino in its one-to-one efforts. Work with district assessment leaders in the creation of on-line assessment systems utilizing the SBAC Digital Library. for formative assessments. Document process to use as a model for other districts. -
ePortfolio for CCSS Report Cards
Work with the CCSS Report Card Consortium in creating protocols for an ePortflio linked to the CCSS Reprot Card templates templates